A young man named Titiano, whose talent had been desperately waiting to flourish. At 28, he spent most of his days in his room, a sanctuary where melodies and unfinished dreams echoed. His world was filled with the works of his spiritual mentor, a precious legacy he had discovered while having fun imitating his idol with a friend. With every note, every inflection, he became a shadow of the great Aznavour, deeply feeling the passion of the art through his poignant words.

Deep inside, Titiano had never really believed that his voice could lead him anywhere. Life, with its pitfalls and disappointments, had led him to repeated failures. Yet, he clung unwaveringly to the emotion he could evoke in others. Two significant events would shake him: the death of Monsieur Aznavour on October 1, 2018, which left an immense void, but also sparked a flash of inspiration that illuminated his heart, and the release of the film Monsieur Aznavour. It was during this time that he had a life-changing encounter with a passionate producer, a specialist in tribute concerts, who recognized that spark in him.

After the success of La Voie de Johnny, Chiflaos Productions created La Voix d’Aznavour. The producer then called his friend Eric Wilms, Charles Aznavour’s conductor for 25 years, to arrange a truly exceptional tribute.

Despite his young age, Titiano made a bold decision: he would take a chance and perform exclusively by singing Aznavour’s songs, surrounded by his musicians. With renewed fervor, he committed to offering the world a piece of himself, a vibrant tribute to the one who had deeply inspired and guided him. Perhaps, in this pursuit, he would find what he had always been searching for: the power to touch hearts, to stir souls through the magic of music and the depth of words.